Completed Research Studies
This page is dedicated to my completed research studies on course materials interventions. To download the research, please fill out the form on the right-hand side of this page.
Inclusive Access Course Materials: The Impact on Student Outcomes – This study was completed as part of my dissertation and examined pre and post Inclusive Access implementation populations (N=2550) to determine the impact Inclusive Access may have had on student success rates.
Inclusive Access Course Materials: An Analysis of Waukesha County Technical College’s Inclusive Access Program – This study examined success rates in pre and post Inclusive Access implementation populations (N=7110) in six courses at Waukesha County Technical College.
Equitable Access: A Participant v. Non-Participant Course Completion Rate Analysis from 2-Year Institutions – This study examined course completions rates between participants and non-participants (N=24315) of an Equitable Access course materials program.
Equitable Access: A Course Completion Rate Analysis from a 4-Year Institution – This study examined course completions rates in pre and post Equitable Access implementation populations (N=48967) over five semesters at the University of Southern Mississippi.
What is Inclusive Access?
Inclusive Access is a revolutionary course materials acquisition and delivery intervention model in which students enrolled in a particular section or course are provided with their required course materials. Inclusive Access is a ‘by course’ model that removes the upfront cost of course materials for students and ensures frictionless access to course materials for all students enrolled in the course.
What is Equitable Access?
Equitable Access is the evolution of the revolutionary Inclusive Access course materials intervention model. The Equitable Access course materials intervention model is a ‘whole campus’ course materials acquisition and delivery model. With Equitable Access, every student in every section of every course across the entire campus is provided with their required course materials. Instead of for select courses, Equitable Access removes the upfront cost of course materials for students and ensures frictionless access to course materials for all students on campus.
What are Open Educational Resources?
Creative Commons defines open educational resources (OER) as “teaching, learning, and research materials that are either (a) in the public domain or (b) in a manner that provides everyone with free and perpetual permission to engage in the 5R activities”. Unlike Inclusive and Equitable Access, OER uses grant funding to create, curate, and make materials free to students. OER content is created by faculty members or other subject matter experts and not through traditional course materials publisher.